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MessageSujet: I want to make some contribute to lecafedelamitie.1fr1.net   I want to make some contribute to lecafedelamitie.1fr1.net Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 10:59

Hello. To use DVD_Decrypter and DVD_Shrink on today's movies, may I suggest RipIt4Me. It uses both of these programs.DVD_Shrink does not burn. It will do it's best to get the files to fit on your disc. You can select many different options to achieve your goal such as removing languages and extras that you don't need and will transcode your files so it will fit.Once you have everything the way you want and are ready for burning, may I suggest ImgBurn. It created by the author of DVD_Decrypter. It's burning engine is much better than Decrypter especially with some of today's newer drives. The site for ImgBurn is down at the moment but you can get it here.99% of all problems are between the computer and the chair.
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